by Miriam | Aug 11, 2020 | Neurofeedback Informational
Dr. Val Brown, along with his wife, Dr. Sue Brown, developed Neuroptimal®, an outside-the-box form of neurofeedback that draws on multiple scientific disciplines. Dr. Val Brown has a background in clinical psychology, quantum mechanics and mathematics, computer...
by wholefamily_jmtqou | Jun 10, 2020 | Uncategorized
Linear Neurofeedback generally requires a brain map. Non-linear or NeurOptimal® neurofeedback does not. (See linear vs. non-linear here) Neuroptimal® uses Dynamic Thresholding (DT) instead. DT is a process by which we take 4 measurements of the cortical activity...
by Miriam | May 14, 2020 | Uncategorized
With suicide and domestic violence on the rise, quarantine is a time of increased stress for families. Many are worried about vulnerable family members, putting food on the table, the children’s education, and much much more. High conflict couples are globalizing, and...
by Miriam | Apr 6, 2020 | Uncategorized
But You Don’t Have To. Marriage Help for Uncertain Times I must confess. The easiest (and worst) thing for me to do when I’m upset with my husband is to go global. I really do know better, but my brain JUST GOES THERE! When he does something with our daughters...
by Miriam | Mar 19, 2020 | Uncategorized
Can an anxious parent create a calm child? How do we talk to kids about the coronavirus if we ourselves are anxious? Join Lorna Hecht, LMFT and Miriam Bellamy, LMFT as we discuss the topic of how to talk to kids about the coronavirus. Our society is in crisis mode...
by Miriam | Mar 18, 2020 | Health
The Coronavirus, Tom Hanks, and The Little Red Ball A Problem Well Defined is Half Solved In The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F**k, author Mark Manson defines the human life span as a series of problems one is being asked to face and solve. How we define...
by Miriam | Feb 11, 2020 | Health, Neurofeedback Informational, Podcast
Kristi Knight and Miriam Bellamy, both Certified Advanced Neurofeedback Trainers, discuss the topic of understanding neurofeedback and trauma. This was originally recorded as a Facebook Live video in the private group “Neurofeedback Moms”. Join the group by clicking...
by Miriam | Dec 10, 2019 | Neurofeedback and Family Process, Podcast
Parenting Complex Children An Expert Interview With Elaine Taylor-Klaus This Whole Family Neurofeedback podcast centers around parenting and coaching complex children with ADHD. Today I interview Elaine Taylor-Klaus PCC, CPCC. Elaine is a certified co-active...
by Miriam | Nov 22, 2019 | Neurofeedback and Family Process, Podcast
The one thing missing from your wedding planning: Neurofeedback. In this episode of Getting The Most Out Of Neurofeedback, Lorna Hecht joins us as we discuss potentially stressful family transitions, such as weddings and wedding planning and neurofeedback…how it...
by Miriam | May 8, 2019 | Neurofeedback and Family Process, Podcast
“The Business of Neurofeedback” with Craig Walker Craig Walker is a Certified Advanced Neurofeedback trainer using NeurOptimal® systems and is dedicated to the business of neurofeedback. He began his work in 2015 to pursue both personal and professional...