Hear From Others Who Have Used Neurofeedback
Neurofeedback has helped clients from many walks of life and with many different situations. Our clients have been kind enough to share their situations and their experiences with Neuorfeedback.
A Family That Trains Together Stays Together
Read how a family was brought closer together by incorporating neurofeedback into their lives and how it helped them overcome difficult situations.

Parenting is one of life’s most rewarding experiences, but it can be stressful and frustrating at times. Using Neurofeedback, our clients have restored the peace and joy of parenting.
“I want to let you know that whatever people call the shift is amazing. My best friend got “the shift.” My son got “the shift.” I got “the shift.” All of us almost at the same time. I had “the shift” 4 days ago. I told my friend I do not know what is going on, but I am feeling different. I am more organized around the house and less forgetful. I am feeling rested and ready for whatever the day brings. And my stomach feels so good! My friend told me she thought it was a miracle. I was thinking the same. Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
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My two teenage daughters have been through a lot of trauma due to issues with their father. They have received a few years of counseling but with limited healing. Neurofeedback has begun to allow them to more deeply express their thoughts. It has given me the ability to be more patient and empathetic and listen without interrupting as all of their thoughts, both rational and irrational, just release. It has allowed me to see more clearly their needs. It has helped me to see what other changes need to be made to make progress. Neurofeedback has given us all better quality of sleep and the ability to be more mindful of our interactions with each other.
My children with complex needs have made amazing gains. Dominic is going through the beginning of puberty with aggressive behaviors. He has challenged staff, and during our rental time, he transitioned to a new school. Through frequent sessions, he began sleeping well through the night. This was a huge victory as he was previously taking 1-2 hours to fall asleep. Aggressive tantrums have become less frequent. This has added so much peace to our family. His ability to communicate on his speech device and cognition improved. It is challenging to assess a non-verbal child, but there is a brighter light shining in his eyes. Sitting still for any length of time is a huge challenge for Dominic. It amazes me how he sits for 33 minutes for a session.
Valentina has a laundry list of diagnoses. Yet, she was my quickest child to make gains-cognitively, with communication, focus, and vision, behaviors and seizures have decreased, quality of sleep and mood have improved, and it has contributed to physical gains as well. She radiates joy wherever she goes and has a smile that lights up a room. In the past, doctors were perplexed by Val’s complex needs. I was told things like, she has more seizures than is usual for her diagnosis; kids with her physical abilities usually have verbal speech; she is very complex; her cognitive abilities will slow down her physical progress. I kept pursuing second and third opinions, asked so many questions, and added a variety of therapies. Despite everything, Val struggled until she began intensive PT and took off when we added neurofeedback- these trainings were the first time her body was trained as a whole and no limitations were set. She too transitioned to a new school during our rental time. Her teacher said, “Her transition has been like she’s been with us all along.” This was the little girl who always struggled with transitions in the past.
When seizures were not eliminated by a seizure medication that caused nasty side effects, I asked the doctor more questions. Val was sent for a couple of EEGs to monitor seizure activity. Each time, 40 leads were glued to her head, which took 45 minutes to attach and more time to monitor, one time requiring an overnight hospital stay. They would ask me to try to keep her calm so they could get an accurate reading. Val is an excitable child and they would have to note that electrical bursts of the patient were due to excitement not seizure activity. I remember wishing that the EEG could actually do something good for Val instead of just confirming her diagnosis. Fast forward two years, we have achieved significant reduction in seizures (seizure free for 2 months and counting) without the medication doing brain training at home with 5 leads and in only 33 minutes. Why it can’t it be the norm that neurologists recommend neurofeedback to their patients?!
In special needs support groups, I read about the familiar struggles of parents. Many have tried so many therapies and medications and their child still struggles immensely. Medications frequently fail around puberty. Side effects cause more issues. Self-regulation is elusive especially with autism. Add pandemic restrictions, which have stripped away routine, and aggressive behaviors intensify. Many parents are at their wits end and they have no hope. My heart goes out to them. The whole world, whole families, need neurofeedback. We always hear “trust the science” while the medical world as a whole remains in the dark about neurofeedback, the real science, that can heal.
My kids and I are at the beginning of our neurofeedback journey. Life will always be challenging but for the first time I have the ability to move beyond limitations others have set for my kids and I. Neurofeedback does not discriminate based on medical complexities or circumstances. When I began the training with two of my kids, I had silent expectations. When I added Val, I went in with no expectations. The journey was more exciting to watch unfold that way. I learned to trust her brain to know in what area to improve next. Doing the training myself has allowed me to be a better advocate for my kids and this positively influences not only their lives, but the lives of those who work with them. One brain that changes and takes new pathways can ignite a little fire in other brains that have fallen into a stagnate, comfort zone.
Thank you for your insight in helping me apply for grants. Six grants later and one wild ride later, we own our a unit. Thank you for reminding me that incredible people still exist in the world.
When childhood isn’t all fun and games, many of our clients turn to Neurofeedback to help get their kids back to center.
“Hope you are doing well! Well, Friday the principal of my daughter’s school called me to tell me that my daughter is going to the THIRD GRADE!! 🙂 She also told me they have been testing many children during the summer and that Jenna has been the most improved child!! I told her all about Neurofeedback and how I could see her flourish! She is doing summer reading camp now and all she is getting is 100%! I figure this may bring a smile to your face. I am still very interested in moving forward with purchasing a system!”
“I was talking with my sister about the phenomenon of the shift. My son was listening and told me he had a shift too! He said it had happened the week before. He told me that his life had felt like being in a black hole. I did not know he was feeling that bad inside, and my heart was broken. He always was smiling! I asked him how he is feeling now since the neurofeedback. He told me that he cannot find the word to describe his feeling, that there is not a word to describe it. He was feeling like never before, and he thought the word might be joy. He was so happy telling me. He told me he was feeling miserable thinking constantly what if, what if, if, if, if, if… But not anymore!”
The sessions went really well! Our daughter continued to ask for training through the month. We’ve been working on a few behavioral issues with her in the last month and have seen improvements. I personally liked the system quite a bit and had deep meditative experiences with it.
“Our family rented a machine for 5 weeks in December during the Christmas break. All 5 of my kids (ages 6, 10, 12, 13, 15) were required to do a session a day (treats were given) and some did it twice some days (to get more treats). The results I saw really came from school. My 12 year old has been 2 grade levels below in reading since the first grade and after being tested in the spring he was at grade level (this is without ANY other intervention), my 10-year-old started to have more leadership in his class and his confidence was stronger and noticeable by the teachers, My first grader has become more focused with school work and his reading is above grade level now. My 13-year-old son was more focused and able to be attentive more in school.“
When things are feeling tense and uncomfortable, Neurofeedback can help to break the loop of negativity. Read how some of our clients have restored the harmony in their relationships.
After starting with the NeurOptimal® equipment, I went from having 2-3 terrible moments daily since my husband’s affair to 2-3 terrible moments in 2 weeks. And I’ve only had about 10 sessions so far. When there is a stressful situation at work, it doesn’t take over anymore. I can reflect on things later. This makes me feel pretty good, pretty confident and strong. I am also able to actively let stressful marital crises go, and I end up being more supportive of my husband instead of just reacting to his stress. I’m still waking up at night, but I’m not feeling the speedy thoughts like I used to, so I just go back to sleep. I’m hoping more training will get me to sleep through the night.
It only took two days on Neurofeedback before I began to feel differently. My thoughts were more clear and they somehow seemed more my own. I felt like Neurofeedback released my mind from its own prison, and once my thoughts began to feel free, so did I. It is a journey to have my mind unencumbered by old patterns and terrible thoughts to be free now to actually be myself and get to know that person. I highly recommend it, combined with therapy, for anyone...especially those struggling with triggers and distressing experiences.
I have noticed a few other things for me. I am someone who shuts down when angry. Growing up I had an older brother who was verbally abusive to my mom when my dad wasn’t around. And for a long time my dad didn’t believe her, thought it was just normal teen back talk. I would often see my mom break down and cry from what he’d say to her. My mom doesn’t cry. So I learned from a very young age that words have a huge impact and can truly hurt. So I NEVER say the things I want to when angry and most the time even when annoyed or hurt. The last few days I have been speaking more of my mind. Not in a rude way and maybe not as fully as I’m thinking, but way more than I normally would.
The other thing I have noticed for me is I just feel more calm and happy. This morning my husband and I laughed and talked in bed for over 20 minutes. I can’t even remember the last time we’ve done that! Truly. I had a super dark day earlier this week. Normally that would have taking me a week to figure out how to move past and feel good again. Yet within just a couple days I felt better.
“We’re up in the 50+ sessions each and yes we are feeling some remarkable shifts – mostly in realizing issues in our spousal communication, i.e., resentments have been softened, long-term misunderstandings have been cleared up. Still working on many of them, of course. My son is at 40+ sessions and hasn’t felt as much of a shift as he’d have liked so far. We’re encouraging him to get to 50+ by the 3rd. I’m hoping he will reach that goal.”
Business Owners
Owning and managing a business comes with it’s own unique set of stressors. Our business owning clients fine that Neurofeedback is an excellent way to stay calm and centered, and to focus on leading a business to success.
“My experience renting a NeurOptimal unit from Whole Family Neurofeedback was really great! I was able to get in quite a few sessions right at home. Feeling really great! Miriam was great to work with. She explained everything very thoroughly and was quick to respond if I had any problems or questions. Miriam is a very kind and patient person. I highly recommend renting a NeurOptimal unit for home sessions and to rent from Miriam.”
Ready to get started?
Start with neurofeeback for as low as $40/session
Aging presents a host concerns, many of which can benefit from retraining your brain! Our clients feel more youthful and energetic after their Neurofeedback sessions.
“My mother had a balance problem. She can not walk in open space without holding me. She had her training number 5. At the end of session, she told me very happy that she is not having the balance problem anymore.”
“My aunt is 95 years old. Her hands are shaking because of her nerves. She is taking pills to stop the shaking. After the first training, she noticed she was shaking less. After her second treatment, she stopped shaking.”
“I haven’t felt this good in years!“
“I recently completed several sessions of neurofeedback. I am a 76-year-old female and found my time very peaceful and soothing. The accompanying ethereal sounds of nature and instrumental renderings helped reduce my stress. Our brains are remarkable organs at work 24 hours a day. Just as we exercise to strengthen the muscles of our bodies, we need to take good care of our brains. For me, that means good sleep, and I am now sleeping better than ever! These sessions are designed to help the brain mirror itself and make needed corrections for a better quality of life. I recommend it.”
Serious athletic performance requires deliberation, mental focus, and emotional calm. Neurofeedback has contributed to the mental wellbeing of our athletic clients.
“After using the NeurOptimal system in office, I rented it out for two weeks. It couldn’t be easier to set up and relax into a 30-minute meditative session. I left each session relaxed and ready to spring forward with creative energy! On the bike I found myself more “in the moment” and alive. I feel like it helped keep the fear in check, keep me present, and keep me calm in otherwise scary and technical conditions. I love how neurofeedback keeps me laser-focused in life and bike racing!“
“have been doing Neurofeedback for the last two years and have completed about 15 sessions total.
I started doing Neurofeedback with Whole Family Neurofeedback to help with my anxiety during a stressful season of life.
In addition to alleviating the anxiety symptoms in my personal life I found that Neurofeedback has helped me with anxiety while riding my bike. As a professional mountain bike racer, optimal mental performance is essential. If my body is extremely fit and responding well to my training yet my ” Head is not in the game” is the difference between finishing in 1st or 5th place. A poor head game also means a higher likelihood of crashing, or an unwise race strategy involving not pacing wisely, etc.
I have broken a lot of bones in mountain bike racing and as a result I used to get gripped with fear and panic while going down loose, and rocky descents. I’d grip my handlebars with sweaty palms, almost frozen in fear while descending down this type of sketchy terrain. Some times I would get so freaked out that I would pull over to the side and walk sections of the descent. This fear response was costing me some time in each race, possibly 30 minutes in a 5-hour race.
After continuing on in my brain training with Neurofeedback, I have to say that this season I am faster than ever! I have now made friends with speed, and am just loving descending on my mountain bike. I have also gotten smoother and faster on my descents during training rides on the road.
I usually get scared and anxious descending the back-side of Rist canyon. I had a Neurofeedback session and a few days later I zoomed down the back-side of Rist Canyon, calm, composed, and under control while loving the thrill of the wind blowing my ponytail!
I felt elated when I got the bottom and reveled in the major breakthrough I had just accomplished.
After my most recent brain training session this past Thursday, I rode my mountain bike on Saturday with my teammate Celeste who is a super-fast descender. We road at Buffalo Creek which is notorious for loose kitty litter like dirt, which is the type of condition that causes my anxiety to skyrocket while descending.
Celeste and I had an incredible 3-hour ride, and the best part was the descents! She usually has to stop and wait for me at the bottom and this time I waited for her. I was completely present and in the zone. I was feeling the flow as I zipped around corners and steadily road out the loose gravel, hands relaxed on the handlebars.
More than just feeling accomplished that I was going fast, and experiencing something I never thought possible – descending faster than my teammate Celeste.
My soul was elated!! I was soo in my happy place!!!
Neurofeedback with Whole Family Neurofeedback gets my head in the game and helps me to be present in the moment and drop into the zone. I am extremely thankful for this incredible tool that has helped me experience success in all areas of life.“
Stress, Worry, and Panic
When life gets overwhelming, stress can feel insurmountable. Learn how our clients combat daily stressors with Neurofeedback sessions.
Now, since neurofeedback, my thoughts don’t go as catastrophic. It used to be the worst-case-scenario when something stressful would happen at work or at home. Now I can truly consider and evaluate all of my options when faced with a challenge. I’m not pulled down into a hole over something that is a maybe. And the actual sessions were so relaxing! My sleep is also much better. It was the first thing I noticed. I used to have really restless, anxious, and stressful dreams, and I don’t anymore.
I feel great! I definitely think it works. I talked to a friend about it yesterday actually, and I said it’s allowed me to be able to get in a better place. Meaning I have the ability to stop letting something bother me. I still have stress. There have been real interesting events this past week and high-stress situations, and I felt like I was able to tackle it with ease. I had my moments, but I was proud of how I handled each situation. I wish I had your business cards! I get asked about it daily! My clients too have noticed a difference and have asked what I’ve done.
I especially notice this at night when I get up to go to the bathroom. This is when those thoughts usually take over and keep me awake. But I’ve been able to deal with them effectively and fall back to sleep. Engaging with the thoughts, trying to disprove them and argue them to the ground, isn’t necessary. When I engage with them, I lose. I start trying to fix the outer situation by doing, planning and achieving, and then my ship is sunk. Because the anxiety/fear has intensified and spread to nearly every area of my life, they have overwhelmed my signature way of coping, and I’m forced to find a different way completely. So I’m sidestepping them, basically ignoring what they have to say because they are thoughts/interpretations. And noticing the millions of times my thoughts have been wrong. It’s like living beyond thought, which is strange for me and yet really freeing.
I rented the Whole Family Neurofeedback equipment for 2 months at the beginning of 2022. I tried to use it every day, but missed a few days. It was a fantastic experience. I felt calmer in my everyday reactions to life’s stresses. There was even a sudden death in my family and I credit in part the Neurofeedback for helping me manage through it with clear thinking. Overall, I think the clear thinking and less anxiety was the biggest benefit I experienced. I look forward to using the equipment again.
“Ok, great! I’m a big believer after using it. I’m sleeping through the night (after 13 years of lying awake staring at the ceiling for 2 hours every night), and I wake up feeling alert and refreshed. I feel happier in general and have not needed to start antidepressants for SAD now that winter is here. I’m noticing a difference in my family as well. I’m soooo happy I made the decision to get the rental. It’s the best money I’ve ever spent. And I’m telling everyone who will listen about it! 😊”
I have done 18 sessions, and I feel there are tangible results from the training. My emotions are more even-keeled and less subject to big swings. I worry less and am more at ease with not knowing, not having a final answer, and thriving through uncertainty. I don’t obsess nearly as much about things—for example, what to do with my relationship with my partner. I am better able to shut out distractions at work so that I don’t spin my wheels when too many demands are thrust upon me. This week I slept a lot better too! I had been waking up between 2 AM and 5 AM and was unable to go back to sleep!
I have completed 11 sessions, one more to go. I don’t know if someone can make as much progress in just 10-11 sessions or not, but I’ve made tremendous strides… I was able to tackle some fears about several things, eliminate some stressful situations, and try to think of creative solutions to things I’ve been worried about. I’ve also been working with the book/audios “The Worry Solution” by Martin Rossman along with the Neurofeedback sessions.
In my work, I’m also seeing that my massage clients are getting more out of their sessions… and I’m also more open to touch myself. It’s been easier to give than receive massages, but that is changing too.
The forgetfulness has not even been a problem, and frustration and worry are down to a manageable 1 or 2 on the scale… I still get into fear sometimes, but that has calmed down as well by thinking of creative images and phrases to say that takes the fear down to a manageable level.
I’m very appreciative that this NeurOptimal is made so readily available!
I have felt stuck in some of the same emotions and patterns my whole life. After hedging some and feeling unsure as to what neurofeedback is and really does, I decided to give it a try. It has been life-changing for me. The training has addressed my brain fog, overall sense of wellbeing, and my ability to maintain more steady reactions to events throughout my day. I have also noticed that my negative self-talk has decreased significantly. I truly look forward to my neurofeedback sessions and find an extreme sense of calm immediately after.
After about 15 sessions I found myself being much more measured in my responses and less likely to attach old ideas to current events. My focus is better and my sense of well-being is much improved. It is not a panacea for all that ails you, it is a tuneup that has allowed me to navigate life better. I will probably purchase a unit in the first quarter of 2020. Thank you Miriam, for your guidance. (I did find it works better if you plug in all of the leads to the computer) . LOL.
Miriam gave such a thorough explanation of how the therapy works answered all my (many) questions. This is a great technique to use in addition to other tools like mindfulness practice, yoga, meditation, etc. For me, I felt the biggest difference after neurofeedback sessions with it helping me get out of these cyclical thought spirals relaxed to work-stress, which then helped me focus better on single tasks. As a scientist, I’m an eternal skeptic but I’m a believer in neurofeedback therapy now, after a few sessions with Miriam.
I am amazed by my neurofeedback results. I have struggled with ADHD, depression and anxiety for my entire adult life. I have taken medications for all three issues, but have searched for ways to achieve more lasting and natural improvement in my symptoms. I noticed a marked improvement in my focus and executive functioning after 20 sessions. After 30 sessions, I realized that I was experiencing significantly fewer acute anxiety episodes and my mood was much more stable. After 50 sessions, with my doctor’s guidance and supervision, I have significantly decreased my daily medications. Along with these improvements, I accomplished huge gains in my work in therapy, because it was suddenly much easier to be less reactive and to apply the concepts I have learned over the years. I have been surprised to find that it has also been much easier for me to follow a healthy diet and exercise regimen and stop overeating. Neurofeedback has helped me improve my mental and physical health, my work performance, and my relationships.
Focus and Mental Acuity
Sometimes it can be difficult to understand and focus on life and it’s challenges.
We have had great success! I have done about 30 session, I cant remember ever being able to sleep the way I can now! It took 2 weeks for me to get out of a fog and fatigue, but after session 15 I woke up the next day and had a huge amount of energy and focus and have felt that way since! I have also had some improvement with hearing, and also memory recall. I hadn’t been able to remember stories from childhood when my daughter would ask me at bedtime, and the other night I was able to tell her stories for about 30 minutes!
My ADHD daughter (16yrs old) who has several learning disabilities, has had really great improvement with executive function, grades have improved as well as focus and sleep! She also is able to articulate feelings and emotions with greater ease as opposed to getting really upset and shutting down. She has done about 15 sessions.
My 11yr old daughter has only done about 4 sessions. She has chronic migraines, and has only had 1 mild headache since starting. I was nervous to do it on her because we have an appt to see a neurologist because her migraines were so severe and frequent. I wasn’t sure if I should do it or not. But they have only improved, so I plan on doing more sessions with her!
My husband has used it about 10 times, he has noticed some improvement in his left ear where he has some hearing loss. He already has great sleep and pretty optimal brain functioning so nothing dramatic so far, but he is interested in continuing sessions.
So all that to say we would like to continue for another month. I do think we will need another jar of connective paste.
Going great! Thank you!