by Miriam | Oct 17, 2022 | Neurofeedback Informational
Miriam: Hey Neurofeedback Moms! I am Miriam Bellamy. I am the mom who started this group. I am an LMFT, and I am the director of Whole Family Neurofeedback. One of the benefits as many of you know of being a part of this group is that we offer access to speakers and...
by Miriam | Oct 7, 2022 | Neurofeedback Informational
Transcript of an interview between Miriam Bellamy, director at Whole Family Neurofeedback, and Dr. Michele Borba, an educational psychologist and best-selling author.=== Miriam: Hey, neurofeedback moms! I am Miriam Bellamy. I am the mom who started this group, and I...
by Miriam | Apr 2, 2022 | Neurofeedback Informational
1) ¿Qué es el neurofeedback? El neurofeedback es la biorretroalimentación para el cerebro. Fue descubierto en los años sesenta en la UCLA por Barry Sterman. Fue un accidente. Pero se descubrió que el cerebro puede ser entrenado para funcionar mejor. Es una historia...
by Miriam | Apr 1, 2022 | Neurofeedback Informational
Michelle Borba Video=== 00:00:00] Hey, neurofeedback moms. I am Miriam Bellamy. I am the mom who started this group and I am a licensed marriage and family therapist. And I am the director of Whole Family Neurofeedback. One of the many benefits of being a...
by Miriam | Apr 1, 2022 | Neurofeedback Informational
Dr. Hallowell Interview Transcript (from our Neurofeedback Moms Facebook group) [00:00:00] Hey, neurofeedback moms. I am Miriam Bellamy. I’m the mom who started this group. I am an LMFT and I am the director of Whole Family Neurofeedback. As many of you know,...
by Miriam | Jan 20, 2022 | Neurofeedback Informational
Cómo saber si su hijo puede beneficiarse del entrenamiento cerebral con neurofeedback Una noche oscura y lúgubre, una madre conducía su coche por una estrecha carretera de montaña. La carretera estaba congelada y perdió el control. Afortunadamente, salió despedida...