by Miriam | Nov 9, 2018 | Neurofeedback Informational, Webinars
What is Neurofeedback? It’s not unusual for people to give us some puzzled looks when we talk about brain training with nonlinear neurofeedback. When we describe what we do, and all the people who could potentially benefit from NeurOptimal® neurofeedback,...
by Miriam | Sep 26, 2018 | For Professionals, Uncategorized
Are you a counseling professional who might be interested in finding ways to improve client outcomes? Do you work a lot with clients who perhaps need more assistance than others? Neurofeedback is used for a wide variety of clients, but in my counseling practice, I...
by Miriam | Sep 17, 2018 | For Professionals, Neurofeedback Informational
Are you a licensed counseling professional? And are you interested in discovering holistic and effective ways to help your clients beyond talk therapy? Have you heard of neurofeedback and the powerful results that can be achieved but thought that “brain science” was...
by Miriam | Sep 10, 2018 | Neurofeedback Informational
Below is a recent email exchange with a person considering an at home neurofeedback rental with us. It was very helpful to him, and I think it’d be helpful to a lot of people trying to understand neurofeedback, and in particular, how NeurOptimal® Neurofeedback...
by Miriam | Aug 28, 2018 | Uncategorized
How does brain training work? During a session, the client is listening to music or watching a movie while connected to the system via 2 scalp sensors, and 3 ear clips. The software is tracking the brain’s movement 256 times a second! It is gathering mountains...